Updates.. What Dates?.. and No Dates 07112000
Season 3 Roundup.>>more
School News (Who cares?) 01052000
End of Season 2 editorial/ Start of Season 3 Preview. >>more
Marching On... 030400
Damn...that's a very good pun for MARCH editorial!!!>>more
January Happenings... 020200
Summary of a dull month with only a single match. Also more on our fame...not us..the website >>more
The Season So Far: December Roundup 301299
Goodbye to the 90s and welcome to yr 2000... Co-ed makes his feelings known. >>more
November Rain ... 211199
Season 2 Opening Preview >>more
October Blues... 021099
A slow news month. Time inches by. And the days really drag... Nothing much's happening in our off-season break, soccer-wise that is. But plenty happening at school for us role-model students right? (It seems I'm the lone role-model slacker among the busy beavers.. or should that be bears?) This should be the busy, kan cheong, frantic pre-exam period for everybody, but you can't tell cos we are all acting real cool about it. In fact, some of the guys are showing signs of frostbite... from acting too cool. >>more
Southampton Shiok! 290999
Here's a special feature on Southampton: cool bits and pieces of info, jokes, and some tributes to Le Tissier as well as a list of his top ten goals, all from various online sources and edited by me, with my personal comments here and there. I've tried to ensure it will be a really interesting and fun read. Have a look!... from a very biased Saints fan, me. It's lonely being the only Saints fan in Singapore, so I'm hoping for some converts to join me.. better still, babes who appreciate my saintly virtues. >>more
Special Feature for our Fans...160999
Especially for our fans.. as part of our continuing efforts to attract more babes...er, I mean fans.. to Dasch, we have all decided to give ourselves an image makeover and bearly cute nicknames... (Ever wonder why teddy bears are so popular? Aha.. this's the inspiration behind our makeover, see..) >>more
The Legend Speaks...060999
Inside...our coeditor speaks on our stats, Man Utd, his vote for Dasch hunkiest guy...and girls. Welcome to the 3rd editorial by our celeb editor.>>more
A poem for Dasch Web...happy??? 080899
Actually not so much of a poem...just his much awaited stupid comments.>>more
How to start winning, or start hiding our faces 150799
This article is full of hope. I really hope people like Daniel read this. Read it and then go to forum and laugh at Alvan. Once again...Alvan is himself again.>>more
Copyright Dasch Rovers 1999. Email daschrovers for any comments or queries.


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