Our hiatus from soccer is coming to an end as we prepare ourselves
to enter another season of upsets (i.e. when we do NOT lose),
laughter and enjoyment (Yiying, Alvan, Yiying, Alvan, Yiying...),
bickerings (Kenneth) and spectacular goals (Daniel) and misses
(Cai). So, before we start the season ,here's a brutally accurate
evaluation of the players' individual strengths (if there are
any) and weaknesses (you all know what I'm talking about). If
I miss out anybody, then it can be that you are absent from the
matches when I turn up, you never do anything significant, or
simply that I do not see the reason for including you in my highly
regarded column.
--highly erratical but mainly amusing and entertaining.
And you should see what he does on the pitch! The only goalie
in the team (not that we have many more) that fights with the
captain about when he can play outfield. He should improve his
first touch, passing, positioning, vision, soccer sense.....and
much more. Maybe he should stick to goalie as that's where he
can make the least outfield mistakes.
--by far the most reliable goalie ever since Chekky
abandoned his position. Now, I have nothing but praises for this
guy. Here is a smart lad who knows that the only way he can start
regularly in a team is by playing in a position no one else wants.
Makes the occasional blunder but has otherwise cemented his place
in the team.
--please, learn the basics of how to trap and pass the ball. Making
tackling the only element in your game will stagnate your growth
as a player.
--now, here's a guy who has a common similarity with
Michael Owen. And nope, I'm not talking about the pace. I am talking
about the tendency to show a lot of promise in his younger days
and just slowly fade away. He also loves to use the push and chase
the ball, lose possession and leave a gap behind for opponents
to exploit. Maybe he should start to see that the ball can actually
travel faster than him and it does not get caught out of position
and never gets tired.
--needs to show more tenacity as a player and more
leadership qualities as a captain. A captain always protects his
teammates on the pitch and never bickers with them over small
matters and end up causing them to leave the pitch in a an angry
haste. Passing and heading need to be improved.Also needs to be
more firm and vocal.
--should know never to undermine your own teammate in front of
opponents. For example, if your star striker falls in the opponents
penalty box ,DO NOT tell him to just get up and get on with the
game in a derogatory tone as it only serves to make the star striker
look as if he dived. Of course, there are always exceptions to
the rule. For example, if Yiying
falls anywhere, anybody in the team has the right to shout at
him to "get up and stop faking injury lah! You useless fuck!"
And one more thing, never quarrel with the captain during the
match, do it afterwards.
--we all know how small and weak you are. So we forgive you for
not being able to challenge opponents for the ball for fear of
being trampled to death. Easily the second most intelligent player
on the pitch with your ideas, but must not be afraid to voice
yourself during a game.
--the most hardworking player in the team. Makes up
for his lack of skills and flair with pure grit and tenacity.
Good for a team like Dasch as that is how we manage to grind out
draws and prevent losses.
--does he still keep in contact with Kenneth? This guy seldom
turns up and when he does, he leaves at half time. Is he the star
around here or am I? I won't bother writing much about him since
I believe he doesn't even read the website.
--now here's a player fans talk about in the same breath as Daniel
Ding, the superstar. Both players graduated from the
same soccer school of excellence and have played with each other
on many occasions and different levels.Both players have known
each other for almost 12 years and although he may not score goals
as often as the great one Daniel Ding,
he creates many with his dazzling runs down the flanks and also
scores the odd but spectacular goals. I repeat , he is probably
the only other player in the team who can in anyway be remotely
close to Daniel
in terms of abilities.
--hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Should learn
how to take criticism and jokes. Should also turn up for the next
match so that everyone can fuck him for trying to be a prima donna
and not turning up for matches. But seriously, he should have
more confidence on the ball and look up for support. Do not look
only at the ball because if you do that, you will not know where
to pass to. Should not take jokes too hard as they are afterall
just jokes and remember,we are your friends, not enemies.
--tall centreforward in the mould of Niall Quinn. was regarded
highly by the RJC soccer coach after the behind-closed-door blow
jobs he gave the coach. can shoot very hard but rarely on target.
main strength is his ability to screw all nite long and remind
the captain and all in the team that he refuses to partner Yiying
up front.
this guy has breath-taking pace and body strength. has great confidence
and superb vision, and tremendous versatility. IS definitely the
best player in the team and possibly the world. It's not difficult
to explain why he has not been snapped up by the likes of Inter,
Liverpool, Barcelona. None of them are good enough for him. (sigh!)
It must be really lonely being the best and sitting on top as
the king of the hill. One more thing is his extraordinarily good
looks which make Beckham look like Alvan
or Yiying.
People who
feel that they deserve a mention can always make known their feelings
to Kenneth who will in turn
feedback to me. I'm sure Alvan
will not be one of those since he has hardly shown any real committment
to the team in terms of soccer (although he has religiously submitted
his articles to contribute to the website). Alvan
is basically what we would call a fringe fringe player. that means
he is called up as a really last resort since he does not have
the basics of a soccer player. Of course, people who do not know
him would think and picture that he is a Daniel
Ding based on his articles in his column. The only
way he can be me is in his dreams and he lives that out in his
column articles. So let us all be real pals and pretend along
with him.
Ding , Columnist, DaschWeb