Sep 2000
was a game that shouldn't even have been played. There WILL NOT
be a report on this "friendly" match which shouldn't be
even termed as a match. For the sake of our history books..here
is the "report".
of players who turned up: 10-1=9. Alvan left before the match even
started. Players who turned up: Kenneth, Eng Kiat, Chekkeng, Tianrui,
Cheng Cai, Raymond, Stanley (with his girlfriend), Zixin & Ivan.
The opponents also had the same number of players.
Westlake field was heavily utilised. Leaving us with no choice,
went to Catholic High, got chased out. Finally settled for Bishan
Park!! No goal post, no lines.
remember the exact score (we were trashed of course), but everyone
was going through motion under the hot sun. Only the opponents were
eager to play proper soccer. The dasch players? Stroking the ball
around, losing it, stroll around the park. Everyone was waiting
for the match to end. Stanley went to sit next to his girlfriend
halfway during the match and never came back to play. The poor chap
was leaving for UK the next day!
sums up more or less the nightmare we had. It was over in less than
an hour.
season shall now be officially declared over. Stay tune for the
season round up and some good reads for your exams! Cheers!
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